newsletter, fall 2012Hi Everyone, As we welcome autumn, change is an appropriate theme for this enewsletter. There is a big makeover going on with us:
What’s behind this? We are most grateful to the wonderful assistants who have made live classes possible. However, after more than 25 years, it’s time at this stage in our lives to offer fewer live classes. So, you’ll find just a couple of classes this year, including the last soups class, so sign up while you can! Also, Joe is pulling Lenore into current social media. Many times we have been preparing food and said, “That would be great to put in the enewsletter.” But, the enewsletter is only seasonal and often the tip or recipe would not be topical for the next enewsletter. So, Lenore WILL be sharing more and timely information with you through the following new ways of connecting:
We will continue the seasonal enewsletter which will have less detail, of course. Now, on with the stories... ClassesOctober 20, 10-11:30 am: "Naturally-Fermented Sauerkraut" - SATURDAY 10-11:30 am ($20) All thriving, traditional cultures eat fermented foods. Learn the art of making your own lively, tangy and delicious sauerkraut in this hand's-on workshop. Discover the many great health benefits of fermented foods! The LAST live soups class is being held on November 3: "Delightful Soups" SATURDAY 10am-1pm ($45) This class includes Lenore's latest favorite new recipes. Seven-Bean Soup, Triple Lentil Soup, Red Lentil-Tomato Curry Soup, Almond-Ginger Salad Dressings served with Organic Salad and Homemade Flax Crackers. (WAITING LIST FORMING NOW) For more registration information: http://www.lenoresnatural.com/classes/classes.php Register by sending a check to Lenore’s Natural Cuisine, 164 Ox Creek Road, Weaverville, NC 28787 New MediaA while ago, Joe began videotaping our classes knowing two things: Many people were interested in the classes, but couldn’t attend when they were scheduled. Also, he imagined (and hoped?) that we would reduce the number of live classes... We now have for sale, at an “Everyday Low Price”, the first DVD:
Thai Butternut Squash Soup 5% of DVD proceeds go to Organic Consumers Association www.organicconsumers.org. Sign up for their free e-newsletter which help us protect the security of our food system. For a "taste" of this video, we made a trailer from a template. The template showcases the video style, action and closeups. The actual DVD is truly instructional without the dramatic music. To view it, click on this Youtube link:http://youtu.be/4dtQpffF0q0 A great holiday gift. $19.95 ($22.95 postpaid) But wait...there’s more! Additional DVDs in the “Live at Lenore’s!” series are coming. Also, eBooks tailored to specific subjects (all gluten-free) are in process: many more yummy soups, salad dressings, flax crackers, dehydrated sweet things and more. Events
October 6, 8 am-1 pm: City Market tailgate market in Asheville (161 Charlotte Street) TipsCheck www.facebook.com/lenoresnatural for a tip on how to prepare edamame, immature soybeans, which is in season now. Product ReviewFor Lenore's opinion on new, non-stick, PFOA free cookware, click on this Youtube video clip: http://youtu.be/zhrBwDyhb_c Quote“Be yourself. No one can ever tell you you’re doing it wrong.” - James Leo Herlihy Please feel free to forward our newsletter to interested family and friends. Warm Wishes from our Bountiful Meadows,
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