recipesraw & living food recipes coming soon! cooked recipes The gentle sweetness of amasake, a rice drink, teams well with cornmeal to create an earthy delight... These juicy, baked apples ooze with a sweetness and crunch that is hard to resist... These black-eyed peas are great as a side dish with wholesome bread, steamed vegetables or a salad... spaghetti
with This simple, but tasty dish came together quickly and has become a favorite of mine ever since... Dried shiitake mushrooms add an earthy flavor and color contrast to green leeks... udon
noodles with This traditional Jewish dish originates from the cold regions of Eastern Europe... pressure-cooked Would you believe split pea soup in thirty minutes? Warming, filling and tasty... My mentor, Marcia Halpern, taught me this recipe when I first started cooking the macrobiotic way... sweet
rice with While studying at the Kushi Institute, a German couple taught me this intriguing recipe... steamed
kale Kale is high in calcium and delightfully delicious when served with this four-flavor dressing... If you are not a morning person, you can still enjoy a wholesome breakfast at home, work or while traveling... Blueberries burst in your mouth in this sensational breakfast option. Moist and light... This quick, high-calcium spread is a memorable alternative to margarine or butter... This classic Mideastern salad, based on Meredith McCarty's recipe in Fresh From a Vegetarian Kitchen, is made with very little oil... Looking for a party-pleaser or a quick meal? This high-calcium, easy-to-make spread can be served as a dip... Soup for breakfast! It sounds crazy, but once you try it, I think you will be hooked... |